His Songs of Joy

Are you ever stunned by a glimpse of God being much more big and wonderful than than the boxes we put Him in?

Sometimes you get a glimpse of something astounding, which blows you away.

A few weeks ago, I was on another camping trip, representing GFA World at the BigChurchDayOut.

I love trips like those, sharing about the needs of people in Asia with people over here, and getting to be part of a Christian festival at the same time!

On the Saturday night, I was pretty tired, with a headache. I was thinking of having an early night… until the sounds drifted up from the mainstage. It was the band Rend Collective, playing with joy and gusto and exultation. And I just couldn’t resist going down to listen! The more the Lord has been giving me joy in Him, the more I love to sing joyous songs back to Him!

It was so much fun to sing along, revelling in the joy and celebration of knowing God and loving Him and sharing in the hope those who follow Jesus share together. Sheer joy! I was beaming as I came back to my tent.


When I went back to my tent, I opened my Bible, shining my torch onto words I’d been reflecting on that week. I’ve been reading through the minor prophets, and there were those precious words from Zephaniah 3:17, about God singing over His people.

I could still hear Rend Collective, joyously singing and playing their bouncy songs of joy.

And there in my Bible were the words of the Lord, about Him singing with joy.

And I sensed the Spirit touching my heart with something like this: “I sing over My people with far more joy and exultation than the joy you’ve been singing with just now!”

It thrilled my heart, and amazed me. He is far more wonderful and beautiful and incredible than we could ever imagine, and He loves us. 


Those who have their sins forgiven through Jesus and follow Him (and that’s available to all who trust in Him as Saviour and follow Him as Lord) get to know God. God Who is far, far bigger than the boxes we put Him in. And He loves us beyond our wildest dreams.


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